• To whom it may concern
  • Knife & Gun Crime Message

Knife Crime Message

To whom it may concern,

My name is Muladi Badibengi the funded of Lewisham Wrestling Club and Youth Association. I am an Olympic Wrestling Coach and volunteer Youth Worker. I live in south-east London I want to talk to you about the knife you're carrying in your belt or pocket or shoe. The one you got from your mum's kitchen or ordered online or robbed out of the camping shop. The knife you tell yourself you carry for protection, because you never know who else has got one.I want to talk to you about what that knife will do for you. If you carry it, the chances are you will be called on to use it. It is a deadly weapon, so if you use it the chances are you will kill with it. So after you've killed with it, after you've seen how little force it takes for sharpened steel to puncture flesh. After your mates have run away from the boy you've left bleeding.


When you're looking for somewhere to dash the blade, and lighter fluid to burn your clothes. When your blood is burning in your veins and your heart is beating out of your chest to where you want to puke or cry, but can't coz you're toughing it out for your boyz. When you are bang smack in the middle of 'Did you see that!' and 'Oh, Jesus Christ!' here's who to blame... Blame the boy you just left for dead. Blame him for not believing you when you told him you were a bigger man than him. Blame him for not backing down when you made your chest broad, bounced into him and told him about your knife and how you would use it. Blame him for calling you on and making you prove yourself.


Tell yourself if he had just freed up his phone or not cut his eyes at you like he did, he wouldn't be choking on his blood and crying for his mum. Then blame your mum. When the police are banging down her door looking for you, or she hears the whispers behind the 'wall of silence', tell her it's all her fault for being worthless. Cuss her out for having kids when she was nothing but a kid herself, or for picking some drug or some man over you again and again. Even if she only had you and devoted herself to you, even if she is a great mum, blame her anyway. Blame her for not being around more to make sure you took the chances she was out working her fingers to the bone to give you. blame the man she picked to make you with. Blame him for being less than half the man he should have been.


When he comes to bail you out and starts running you down for the terrible thing you've done, tell him straight: 'I did what I did coz you didn't do what you should have done.' Even if he did right; respected your mother, worked to provide for his family financially and spiritually, taught you right from wrong and drummed it home everyday... Even if he nurtured you as best he could, blame him for the generation of men he comes from. The one that allowed an adolescent definition of manhood to become so dominant. The one that measures a man by how many babymothers he has wrangling his offspring, or by how 'bad' his reputation is on the streets of whatever couple of square miles he chooses to call his 'ends'. Damn them for letting you believe that respect is to be found with gun in hand or knife in pocket. Damn them and everyone who feeds the myth of these gangsters, villains, thieves and hustlers.


Anyone who makes them heroes while damning hard-working, educated, honest men as weak, sell-outs or. If you were mine, this is what I would tell you. I would make myself a big enough man to beg. I'd get down on bended knees if I had to. I would beg you to take that knife out of your pocket and leave it at home. I would tell you that I know you are scared and lost and that I know the risks involved in what I'm asking you to do.


I know that what we could step around, you have to walk through, and that there is always some fool who isn't going to make it any other way but the wrong way. I'm just begging you not to be that fool. Be a better man than that. Let the story they tell of you be that you exceeded expectations... that you didn't drown. Don't spend your days looking to be a 'bad-man' - try to be a good one. Our biggest failure is that our actions have left you not knowing how precious you are. We have left you unaware of your worth to us. You are precious to us. Give yourself the chance to grow enough to understand why.


Be safe.

Muladi Badibengi

Venue for Wrestling Training

Days: Sunday (Outdoor Fitness)

Places: Greenwhich Park SE3 0TH

Forester Memorial Park SE6 1UA 

Times: 11AM to 3 PM
Age Group: Any Age.

Days:  Every Wednesday

18 Courthill Road, Lewisham SE13 6HB

Times: 5:30 pm 8:00 pm
Age Group:   10 Years upwards

Latest News & Events

Coming up Events
Event: 2014 British Junior Championships and Aspull International Championships 2014. 6 junior wrestlers From Lewisham wrestling club will take part and try to bring Gold Medals for Club.

We're recruiting a new Group of Children's and Young people to take part in a twice per Week (Olympic Wrestling and physical activities) for Free of Charge, from 2014 to June 2015. Funded by BBC Children's in need..

Join Lewisham Wrestling Club

Committee Member
        Contribute to the discission making of the club.
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        Join other members in keeping fit.

Our record and Achievements


Christ 16 and Israel Tshikeva 18 years old Transitions from one Level to the next, Israel he started Olympic wrestling when he was 5 years old. Moving to a New place at 17 with out your Parents is never easy.

Israel Tshikeva left everything and everyone behind in London to move to Manchester GB Team in order to fulfil his dreams of being one of the top Olympic wrestlers at 100kg.